Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Astrophysics Foundation

The Astrophysics Foundation is committed to providing free education in Astronomy and Physics using the Internet as a medium to distribute educational content on the world wide web internet. As a non-profit entity, we rely on gifts and donations to keep free education sites active and online.

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Donations to Astrophysics Foundation will be appropriated towards astronomy, math, and physics research towards a unified field theory. The remainder of the proceeds will go towards Wikipedia is an extremely valuable education reference website in the free education space.

Astronomy and Physics Foundation would also like to recommend the book "Mental Potentials Create Many Realities or Many Worlds."

The book is the compilation of math and physics research on the origins of the universe, and life, and also living systems. *Research shows that the universe may actually exist as a light hologram ...."

Mental Potentials Create Many Realities or Many Worlds:

Mental Potentials Create..Many Worlds: "Turns into a MUST read for anyone interested in Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Cosmology, or any Advanced Mathematics."
**Astrophysics Foundation.--/


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